Sep 03, 2005 22:50
thats my new saying. i saw it on a board today at this surf shop across the street from stop n shop here in eastham. i saw this other board that was probably 50+ inches long. i wanna get it. it was 190 complete. and i need new trucks and wheels. i might wait til next year though. only have a month or 2 tops left of good boarding weather(i fucking hate the winter..oh wells im gonna get a season pass for the mountain) but today i did probably around 20 miles..maybe not quite that much. but close. tomorrow i think im gonna do more.
the closer october 2nd comes the more excited i am. i still need to hang up some posters. to bad newbury comics is a bunch of corprate assholes now.
ummmmmmmm yeah. monday im going to lauras bday party..its gonna be shizzle.