(no subject)

Mar 22, 2007 07:39

Snow? oO;

According to the calender it should be Spring since yesterday. Just that the weather does not agree with that.

This morning:
*esda wants to leave with her bike*
father: "Ah.. be careful, it's glassy. It snows."
esda: "HUH?" oO;

And there *really* is snow in my town. Like.. 1 cm again but that's only the second time this winter that we had snow that kept lying on the ground!
(I took photos *g*.)

Here in Mainz it's more raining. Now there's somethis like snow rain, but no snow lying on the ground.
Apparently the other towns around had no snow, too. Because going by train I could see, that the next town already had no snow anymore. And all the people coming by train from the other direction were looking strangely out of their train windows, when they passed Wörrstadt xD
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