colleagues, dreams, greating cards...

Feb 10, 2007 00:34

Seems like I haven't updated my lj in some time. And I'm getting e-mails again, asking if I'm still alive (or froze to death at the job-center) xD (*waves to e103epsilon*).
Well.. yes, I am still alive (more or less...) ^^°. Nothing really special happened (I'm overworked, like always, so nothing new...), apart from 3 things:

- Colleague K. returned to work after her "illness" and 2 weeks holidays (She managed work for 2 full weeks in a row! Woohoo!! But she's on holiday again the week after next week (Fastnacht). No idea why they let her go on holiday *again* ¬_¬).

- Two nights ago I had a strange dream about a war, that suddenly started HERE and I was all like "Huh? War? With whom?" o.O and when I returned home (from I-don't-know-where) I saw my younger brother with short hair and already dressed in camouflage trousers, because he's the (only) one with Wehrpflicht (err... liability to military service?) in the family, so they drafted him immediately. And I said good bye to him with the certainty that I wouldn't see him again alive >_>;;; And then there went an atomic bomb went down near my hometown... er.. >_>
(Okay, and then the dream turned strange, like all of my dreams do: My younger brother and his comrades were on that plane that should bring them where-ever (...) and they simulated a crash of this plane (lol) and hid somewhere in the mountains and they turned into mermaids/mermen... oO;;; whatever... >_>;;; )
But really, the first part of this dream was scary. And what was even more scary, was that when I saw my brother again after that dream for the first time (which was today) he wore camouflage trousers.
*shudders* >_>;;

- Yvi finally got, that I'm more interested in this kind of card (even though I can imagine more attractive guys... for example a certain NATO Major... xD) and not in greating cards with Volksmusik stars >_>;
But what amused me the most was her message: "Dreamed of you last night. You got a job as civil servant in Alaska... etc." Considering my current fandom that's very fitting xDDD - Though I would prefer Bonn to Alaska >.>;;; *wonders about what she must have done wrong to have been sent to Alaska*...


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