(no subject)

Jan 11, 2007 14:36

(Hello redblue. Yes, I'm still alive *g* and it's thanks to you that I'm spamming my lj with stuff like that because you wanted a sign of life from me ^^°.)

Boah.. this morning I surpassed myself: I had an appointment that lasted 105 minutes. oO; (Marketing guy who talked a lot. Lots of unnecessary stuff, too. -_-°) And I still have the rework to do. *drop* (see below for comment about our server...)


Oh, and btw: that "great" colleague that we have to deal with and endure since our times at the Sozialamt (social welfare office) - and that, due to some bad luck (or "fate"?) followed us to the Job-Center (*headdesk*) - is "ill" again.
The next two weeks she's on holiday leave, which is convenient, since she's always "ill" before and/or after her holidays. This wouldn't be all that bad, if she would actually *work*, when she's at the office - and when she wouldn't have her calendar full of appointments for the next FOUR MONTHS. She's "ill" for weeks, then she's here again for one week and sends invitations for appointments for the next weeks, then she's "ill" again and we (the colleagues in her team) have to take over *her* appointments (sometimes she has 10 appointments a day, which shows how few she does during the appointments and how few she works the rest of the day; most of us are happy, if they can handle 4 appointments a day) and because she did so little for/with the people in her previous appointments we have those "surprise" appointments (or rather: "super-GAU"/MCA appointments), were we just think "OMG... why did she invite you again, if she isn't actually informing/advising you about/in something?". Trying to fix the shit someone else did isn't exactly what I would call "fun", but our teamleader doesn't seem to see the problem, and of course she doesn't see the time we have to invest in work that this colleague was unable to do.
Now it looks like we will have to work off her "mail mountains" (which includes stuff from the time she was "ill" and also the time she was here, of course -_-), too - and Alex and me are having pretty impressive mountains consisting of mail ourselves, so it's not like we would have the time to also take over the mails from that colleague!

What's annoying me the most about this is, that this "great colleague" will return from her holidays and "illness" and have a subject area that is immaculate, clean, no work left to be done and we even will have fixed and repaired all the faults she had done. And we, the people who did all that work, will have mountains of mail that are even higher than before and were not able to do at least half of the stuff we would have liked to do with our clients.

alksdhtashäGLkahfsghaäsg!!! alksädhgfagklhasglhgask!!!!!!!

Of course this special colleague was called to our teamleader and even the managing director/Chief Executive Director (there's no real translation for "Geschäftsführer", is there? ^^°) because of her many "illnesses", but it wasn't really any use.
Okay, so for some month (3 to 6... I don't know exactly...) she wasn't ill at all, but then, when our Geschäftsführer left (because he got a better job at some ministry), she was suddenly "ill" again. For weeks.
[We still don't have a new Geschäftsführer, btw. There was a rumour about a certain Melanie Moor to take over that job, but since yesterday there are rumours that she doesn't want that job afterall. (which is totally understandable xD)]

(... and I would have posted this entry some hours earlier, if our server wouldn't have been down... like... permanently. ¬_¬°)


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