title: lineage and the Slayer line
author: Carla
disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon.
dedication: written for
wisdomeagle in the
femslash_minis minor characters round. She requested Kendra/Faith and Slayer dreams.
distribution: Please ask.
rating: 13+
length: 1600+ words
summary: All that's important is this: it's what you are.
In the inbetween there is no self, alone, there is only this. )
Comments 5
But her blood pumped fast through her veins and she was hyper-aware of every muscle, and the way her fingers connected to her hands to her wrists and on and up and down, her whole body, long and lined and all in one. She couldn’t not run, she couldn’t stop, and she didn’t want to do either, she just wanted to keep going, boots against asphalt, the wind in her face sharp and new. This entire paragraph is so great. So Faith. *loves*
I think it's really difficult to get voices right in dreams, especially with Kendra. You did a good job here, though. Kendra giving Faith advice like that makes me oooooo so happy :)
The end is my favorite, though. The fact that Faith, from the very start, saw her calling as a way out of her dead-end life is so in-character and perfect. Love it! Thank you so much for sharing this!
I really like that they meet in a dreamscape, which seems very apt for two Slayers. Like Faith's thoughts about wanting to be in control, because obviously this is what she is now. And Kendra's line about not kissing vampires. Heh.
The world flickered, grew walls and bookcases and there was blood on the woman’s throat, a long line of it, and it dripped slow down her skin.
Wonderful writing, and such a poetic way to describe the haunting image of Kendra's death.
Very memorable fic.
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