No ill effects today, which is good, except I'm starving and I'm completely out of diet Dr. Pepper. I do have food on hand, but the lack of drink (the only soda I drink) is a bit disturbing. I have water and I just had a blueberry muffin, but I'm needing more food soon.
Except, even though I could pause the DVD, I just started watching "New Moon Rising" and I can't look away from the Oz. OZ! I missed you! This episode is wonderful, with Oz and Tara and the awkwardness and the jealousy and the way, at the beginning, both Oz and Tara look down, away from Willow, in similar ways. Plus the werewolf prejudice from Riley, and Buffy being all defensive--yay.
You know, though I love Tara and Willow as a couple, and I've learned not to hate Buffy and Riley (not because Riley wasn't Angel, but because I just hated Buffy and Riley didn't register at all to me), I find myself really missing the Willow and Oz and the Buffy and Angel. (And when I started watching the series, years ago when it first aired, I would have never believed I would ever say I was a Buffy and Angel fan, but it slowly started growing on me, and this time through I really like them.)
God, Oz. He's always so gentle. He holds himself off, and then when Willow hugged him, he just relaxed into her, softened, melted.
I love him a little. (Or, okay, more than a little. But whatever.) I'm glad the character arc went the way it did, I love Willow and Tara, and the angst it produced (Oz leaving, not Willow and Tara, though their angst was good too). I like the angst.
Is Buffy about to tell Riley about Angel? Ooooooh. It's been so long since I watched season four (I hated it the first time around, so I never rewatched on my own) I don't remember a lot of the little details, just the big ones.
Heh. Willow just told Buffy about Tara--sort of--so let's see how open-minded Buffy is now. Ha, not very well, apparently. So much for the talk about some demons being different and what-not, when handed the lesbian thing.
Aww, Spike sleeps in his jacket. Is it like a safety blanket, honey?
Oh, Willow and Tara, they're so cute and uncomfortable and shy together. (The mystical lesbian magic sex is a little overdone, even at this point, but I like their characters together.) Ooooh, the friends speech, the of course we'll be friends, and the maybe we're in love. Friends speeches, those kind of hurt, except this goes a little good. Mostly.
"Here comes the thing I wanted most of all, and I don't know what to do." Let me explain this to you, Willow old girl, threesome. Balanced, love-filled threesome (with the hot sex).
Yeah, the werewolf thing, smelling Willow on Tara, that's disturbingly hot. I love little werewolf actions in a human body. "You smell like her. She's all over you." Oooh, jealousy and werewolf and losing control. (Good god, the wolf transformations on this show are horrid.)
Oz telling Tara to run is hot in its own way.
Bla bla, Initiative rescue, no women soldiers, real bastards.
"So we're safe, because you'll never do that again."
Oh, Oz. Lines like that make me love him even more.
And the Tara and Willow candle scene. Lovely. Still.
I want a story where Willow, Oz, and Tara work things out and form a functioning, happy threesome.
Enough with the rambling. I should do something productive.