new buffy dvds and site update

Feb 03, 2006 22:56

Escritoire Azul has been uploaded with the stories I've written this year. (You know, the whole month and three days plus of it. I've actually written a handful, which surprises me.)

My friend Nikita sent me all seven seasons of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm absolutely thrilled, and I can't wait to watch them all. I'm on season two right now, "Inca Mummy Girl" I think is the title, and I am being hit by story ideas. In "School Hard" (yay, Spike! and Dru!), Willow and Cordelia locked in the room together. I'm sure tons of people have written it already, but I have ideas which start out like this:

Willow didn't know praying meant kissing in Cordelia's religion.

Or something like that.

My mind has gone now, because Dingoes Ate My Baby is onstage, and there is Oz. With his guitar. And I have melted. Plus there is Willow being adorable. And did I mention Oz on stage with his guitar? And Four Star Mary music. (I need to reorganize my cds, I've not seen theirs in ages.)

I know want to write Rogue/Ampata to see whose powers are stronger. Yeah, the scene where Ampata kisses Xander looks so much like the scene where Bobby and Rogue kiss.

Man, I love how protective Xander is over Willow (and Buffy to some extent). When he threatens to kill Buffy if Willow is hurt? Oh, wow. And I'd forgotten how close they come to kissing in the season two opener. I'm also liking Buffy/Angel a lot more now (though I'm still not fond of either of their characters).

I have to go do other productive things. Or sleep, one of the two.

fandom: tv: btvs/angel, fic: to write, me: website

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