Fic: Baby-Sitters Club, The Ghost and the Darkness, Lost Boys

Jan 01, 2020 13:26

I did not write nearly as much as I wanted to for Yuletide this year, but I do like the stories I wrote quite a bit. I wrote four stories for three people in three fandoms, one of which was new for me.

Assignment: Draw Me Like You Do, BSC, Ashley/Claudia

Summary: Claudia Kishi does not expect to run into Ashley Wyeth at a yuppie artist retreat deep in the heart of the Ozarks, but Ashley's always known how to surprise her.

Treat: Five Secrets from an Art Portfolio, BSC, Ashley/Claudia

Summary: Claudia Kishi knew one thing for certain (well, many things, but this was an important one): there was a psychology to portfolios. If you knew how to look, you could uncover an artist’s secrets tucked into every page.

Treat: The Care and Handling of Maneaters, The Ghost and the Darkness, John Patterson/Helena Patterson

Summary: “I do not often repair bridges,” John said.

“True, but even old bridges under repair can become a hunting ground.”

“And what, pray tell, hunts the bridge at Langone?” he asked.

Helena waited until he looked up on her, eager not to miss a single breath of his response. “None other than the great Beast of Gévaudan.”

Treat: Burn, Lost Boys, Michael/Star

Summary: Max is dead and gone, body burnt and ashes spread into the sunlight, but still Star's thirst burns.

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fandom: yuletide, fic: lost boys, fic: bsc, fic: ghost and the darkness

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