The rest of upper management are in the office next door looking into concert tickets, so I'm popping on to blow the last bit of the work day here. (I already gave my input into the concert tickets. Also, I love my job.) (Not just because I can do stuff like this at work, but also, yes, because I can do stuff like this at work.)
(Random work story from the other day: I was very grumpy and so doing things with more force than necessary. I reached up to knock some hair out of my face and punched myself in the nose. I am awesome like that. I then promptly told everyone because it was so hilarious. What, you expect upper management to have poise and [I can't think of the word I want here, thanks a lot, med brain, so I'll say esteemed behavior and hope someone knows what word I actually mean]? Not around here!)
I just updated my book list last night, so it's a good time to do a What I'm Reading Wednesday post.
Last Three Things I Read
+ Sparrow Hill Road and Girl in the Green Silk Gown by Seanan McGuire
Reread of Sparrow Hill Road in preparation to read the sequel. I've loved Rose Marshall through a couple of iterations now, and I really enjoyed Girl in the Green Silk Gown. I thought the pacing dragged a little in a couple places, but not enough to knock me out of the story, and I loved what the story itself.
+ Spellbound by Christopher Pike
A reread for a project. It's not my favorite Christopher Pike (that is Monster), but it's one of my favorites and it continues to be a lot of fun. (Racist as hell in places, though. Pike struggles with that and with sexism a lot.)
I have no idea what I'll read next. (Well, no, I'll read Scavenger Hunt by Christopher Pike in the near future for that same project, but other than that, I don't know.) I need to knock out some non-fiction. My goals this year were to read 100+ books (I'm at 113), 50 from my to read list (I'm at 17 ... oops), and 12 non-fiction (I'm at 5). I'm probably not going to hit the to read list set (which is actually failing anyway because I keep adding new books -- it's a list of books I own but haven't read, and the goal was to work my way through it. That is not what's happening), but I can do some non-fiction reading. (In fact, I just bought a Humble Bundle about management and happiness and things like that, so I'll try to knock some of them out.)
(Though mostly, I need to be writing Yuletide. BEARS. I'M AT BEARS.)
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