Fic: Yuletide 2016 (Full House, Confident - Demi Lovato, Lost Boys)

Jan 01, 2017 21:00

I only managed five stories across three fandoms for Yuletide this year, half as many as last year, but I'm mostly very pleased with what I did write. We'll see how next Yuletide goes, as always. Perhaps I will scale my goal back to 5 stories a year for the next few years.

Assignment: The Light That Carries You Home (Full House, gen) (for celeria)
Characters/pairings: DJ Tanner, Kimmy Gibbler, Stephanie Tanner, Michelle Tanner, Danny Tanner, Becky Donaldson, Tommy Fuller Sr
Tags: Road trips, cabin fic, sister-sister relationship, college anxiety, post-series, pre-series, first meetings
Word count: 10k+

Summary: The summer before she leaves for Berkeley, DJ says good-bye.

I was so excited to get this assignment, and then I struggled, and struggled, and struggled some more. Part of it was that I always struggle to write fiction without monsters, and I just finished another such project before I started this, and part of it was the election fallout. I wrote probably 20k total on this in fits and starts, with deleted scenes and three different openings (one of which became a treat) and multiple drafts and multiple betas and lots and lots of rewriting. I'm fairly pleased with how it came out.

Treat: The Face of Someone Who Needs You (Full House, DJ/Steve) (for celeria)
Characters/pairings: DJ Tanner/Steve Hale, Danny Tanner
Tags: Post-series, break up, growing up, male-female friendship
Word count: 1800+

Summary: DJ loves Steve, still, and she'll always be grateful for prom, but that doesn't mean they're getting back together.

This is, of course, the opening that I cut from the main gift but which stood enough on its own to be read as a treat. It is more bittersweet than I normally write for Yuletide, but I really love DJ in it.

Treat: Oh, That Curse I Cannot Lift (Confident - Demi Lovato, Michelle/Demi) (for
Characters/pairings: Woman (Demi Lovato)/Woman (Michelle Rodriguez)
Tags: Alternate universe - werewolf, first time shifting, pack building, outdoor sex, oral sex
Word count: 5100+

Summary: There’s silver bullets in Demi’s belt, a silver core to the metal band around her throat. Michelle wonders if she knows, if she can smell the similarities between them.

When I finally had the second draft of my assignment done and off to the beta, I went looking through the prompts again, wanting to write treats. I had avoided the other Confident prompts, because I try not to write in fandoms I request, but I decided to skim through them to see the different things people wanted (I love seeing the different ways people are inspired by the same source material), and when I saw the werewolf prompt, I immediately opened a file. The first words were: WEREWOLF CONFIDENT PROMPT OMG YES THIS IS MINE.

So, yeah. That happened. Of everything I wrote this year, this story is the one that has a neon sign with my name on it, and I would not be surprised at all if everyone who knows me and read it immediately guessed it was mine.

Once again, I got to write Michelle Rodriguez as a werewolf, which is one of my favorite things.

Treat: Comes the Night, Comes the Shadow (Lost Boys, Star/Michael/David) (for
Characters/Pairings: Star/Michael/David
Tags: Bloodplay, blood drinking, public sex
Word count: 1900+

Summary: Star is sixteen when she comes to Santa Carla.

As soon as I saw
havocthecat's Lost Boys request, I knew I wanted to try to write a gift fic for her, and then I bugged her to post her letter, which means I would not at all be surprised if she knew this was me. I love how she loves the Lost Boys, and Star in particular, and I have become so deeply sold on Star/Michael/David. This was, as always, a joy to write; Lost Boys was my second online fandom, and I've been writing in it for nearly 20 years now. I love it so.

Treat: Straight On 'Til Morning (Lost Boys, Star/David, Star/Michael) (for skazka)
Characters/Pairings: Star/David, Star/Michael, Marko, Dwayne, Paul
Tags: Alternate universe - always a different sex, fortune telling, peter pan references
Word count:

Summary: Star saw a knight in the cards, but there was no boy in shining armor on a white horse. There wasn't even a boy in a car, offering her safety and family and home. There wasn't a boy at all, though boys come to Santa Carla by the dozens, and die just as fast.

There was, though, a girl.

This was the first story I started for Yuletide 2016, and the last I finished. I saw the prompt before I even read my assignment and immediately fell in love with it, particularly the way skazka loves Santa Carla and the feel of the movie, and his lesbian biker gang prompt was the greatest thing ever. I love this story, and this world, and if I write more lesbian Lost Boys gender swap, do not be surprised.

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fic: confident - demi lovato, fandom: michelle rodriguez, fandom: yuletide, fic: lost boys, fandom: werewolves, fic: full house

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