Fandom: Fate of the Furious

Dec 14, 2016 15:22

Y'all. Y'ALL. When I saw the title for the new movie, I laughed until I cried at the ridiculous levels of drama in it, and now the trailer is out, and I am completely besotted with this ridiculous franchise even more than I already was. It is going to be even more over-the-top and emotionally dramatic than the last couple of movies, and I can't wait. I CAN'T WAIT.

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I can't even begin to tell you how much joy this franchise has brought me over the years. I can't wait to see the explanation for what's going on, and all the gorgeous cars and explosions, and the hot people hitting each other. I LOVE THIS DAMN FRANCHISE.

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fandom: movies: fast and the furious, fandom: michelle rodriguez, fandom: vin diesel

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