Fandom: Yuletide Venting Follow Up

Dec 28, 2015 22:34

Following up on this post about my mod reprimand. I've also posted this there as an update. Thank you for all your comments and emails. I'll be responding as I can.

Clarifying a few things.

First, and most important, this is not the recipient's fault at all. All stories written for her came under scrutiny because her assignment was a placeholder at the time the stories were revealed. I don't think she complained about the treat, but even if she did, that's still on me, not her, so no blaming the recipient.

There was never any chance my story would become her main gift, because I made sure she had a story before I posted it, and the second she became aware the assignment story was a placeholder, I removed her as the recipient of the treat so that she would receive another main gift. I encouraged her to discuss the placeholder with the mods. I wrote the treat because I wanted her to have a good Yuletide.

Second, I had already responded to the mods before I posted here, referencing the part of the rules I thought was not clear, and why I had posted where I posted. That's done. I have not attacked the mods, nor am I trying to attack them with this post. If you look back through my Yuletide tag, I talk about Yuletide a lot, and that includes the frustrating parts as well as the joyful parts.

The mods flagging my story does not mean they're going through the archive looking for reasons to reprimand people, and that is not at all what I said or implied.

Third, I have not been banned or made to write a NYR in order to participate next year. That's not what I meant by reprimand, and I'm sorry I wasn't clear about that.

I am frustrated that by writing a treat as a gift for a friend and following the rules as I understood them, I was reprimanded. What's done is done, and I do not regret writing that specific story as a treat for a friend.

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fandom: yuletide

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