Fandom: Things I'll Talk About #2: First Kiss

Aug 14, 2015 13:58

Things I'll Talk About Masterlist

Still some open topics, if you want to claim them.

2: Talk about your first kiss.
pene chose this.

Technically, my first kiss was at four, on the bus to kindergarten, but the first kiss that actually counts, as in, the two involved parties were both old enough to know about kissing and consent to it, was junior high. He was a neighborhood boy, if you stretch the definition of neighborhood a bit (but, small town, lots of things could be considered in the neighborhood). It was New Year's Eve, a bunch of us had gone to a party and then left because it was boring, wandered the town in the dark. We kissed under the moon and the stars, and it was fun. We dated a bit, hooked up again awhile after that. One of my friends had a kid with him our senior year, and they got married a few years later. I see them around town sometimes; I still touch base with that old group of friends, even if we're not all that close.

Mostly, I remember the tension right before the kiss, the way my body tenses, my lungs burned, my throat grew tight. The good kind of tension, where your breath catches and you just know something is about to happen, something great.

I've had plenty of first kisses, but what I generally remember is the tension, the wanting, the build-up. The moments when we could have kissed, but didn't, right up until we finally did.

I love kissing.

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fandom: meme, me: personal

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