Jun 16, 2015 19:19

Day 1 - Ten random facts about yourself
Day 2 - Nine things you do everyday
Day 3 - Eight things that annoy you
Day 4 - Seven fears/phobias
Day 5 - Six songs that you're addicted to
Day 6 - Five things you can't live without
Day 7 - Four memories you won't forget
Day 8 - Three words you can't go a day without
Day 9 - Two things you wish you could do
Day 10 - One person you can trust

Day 9 - Two things you wish you could do

Have career success without my mental health falling apart, but clearly that wasn't something I could do. I was amazing at it, right up until I wasn't, and now I can't seem to do anything at all. Fuck bipolar, dudes. Fuck it.

Space travel. I want to see the stars, touch the sky and beyond, all the planets, all the worlds. That or have a raptor pack, complete with a Blue of my own.

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me: countdown meme, fandom: movies: jurassic park, me: health, me: personal

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