I finally cracked the top 25 in commenting with 85 comments. I can't believe I've read that many stories already.
October Road has EVERYTHING. Including Meat Loaf karaoke. How the hell didn't I know about this before? I mean, besides the part where I didn't listen to sister K when she told me about it. I've been watching it with J and we're already almost done, because we can't stop watching it. Well, he's seen it before, but I can't stop watching it.
Harry Potter/RPF 20th-21st c Politics
"Witches Can Be Right, Giants Can Be Good" is a fabulous, funny, sharp story about what Obama needs to get the job done and how wizards sometimes meddle.
Pushing Daisies
"A Lovely Way to Spend Christmas" is a sweet, touching, charming story about Emerson and Olive, and how they haven't enjoyed Christmas in the past, and how they will enjoy it this year. The dialogue is perfect, and the tone absolutely spot on.
"Camp" is a charming story with a wonderful mystery and some fantastic interactions between Chuck, Ned, and Olive, as well as a sad streak which is very true to the characters and the source material.
Robin McKinley - Outlaws of Sherwood
"Man and Legend" is a beautiful look into Marian's thoughts about Robin, and Robin Hood, and the legend being created as he lives.
"Embrace the Bad (Because It's Good)" is a wonderful Roland-piece, set after graduation, and captures his voice, and the easy give and take with Cassandra, very well.
Saved by the Bell
"Bayside Revisited" is a wonderful, sweet, funny reunion story which captures the characters so very well.
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