(no subject)

May 30, 2015 23:10

I've added a bunch of people from a friending meme, so I thought I'd do a quick hello.

This is what I said in the meme comment:

name: Carla
age: 30s
location: Midwest USA
tell us how you'd identify yourself: bisexual, queer

interests: werewolves, motorcycles, supernatural adventure stories, horror stories, essays about surviving mental illness from the POV of the people with the mental illness, road trips, sun and sand and sea, intellectual property law, privacy law, superheroes, young adult books, foggy roads
what media are you into (books, tv, movies)?: Oh, god, I have so much media. A small sample: iZombie, Jane the Virgin, The Flash, Fast and the Furious series, Jurassic Park series, Kitty Norville series, horror movie marathons, Incryptid series
what do you post about?: mostly fannish stuff, media I'm consuming, joy and rage, Yuletide when it's that time of year, sometimes fanfic, and sometimes mental health.
what do you like to see on your friends list?: Everything. I love people's stories.
what's something interesting or super important to know about you?: I'm adopted. Family /= blood. Also, I'm crazy. I have bipolar disorder. Diversity and equality are very important to me.
any deal breakers?: Queer-phobia, racism, ableism are the top three.
last words: Werewolves and dinosaurs, dudes. Werewolves and dinosaurs are my favorite things.

That is a pretty good summary, actually. Werewolves and dinosaurs, my favorite things.

I'm now drawing a blank on how to summarize anything, so if you have any questions, hit me up! That goes for all of you, old or new. Have a question, about me or fandoms or fic or anything? Let me know. I'll answer. It might be a ridiculous over-the-top story kind of answer, but that's part of the fun.

This entry was original posted at http://escritoireazul.dreamwidth.org/396401.html with
comments. Reply here or there.

me: meme

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