Warning: There are a number of spinny camera action scenes, most of which are fine, but there are some toward the end where the spinny camera went on and on and my vertigo started up. Just a little, but enough I wasn't pleased.
With the exception of 2 Fast 2 Furious, I have loved every minute of this franchise. No matter what sort of things it does that piss me off or break my heart, I have loved the ride. This is no exception. It's fun and ridiculous and wonderful, and, in the end, absolutely heart breaking, because this chosen family transcends the screen. There's a whole piece that is a good-bye to Paul Walker, and it broke my fucking heart. I don't even care whether it fits within the movie or not, it is beautiful and touching and I cried in the damn theater.
One nitpicky thing (so far):
Exactly when did Dom and Letty get married? Before the events of Fast & Furious, which means that Dom leaving Letty behind makes even less sense than it did the first time around. He'll never be alone, huh? EXCEPT WHEN HE UP AND ALPHA SHITS ALL OVER EVERYTHING AND MAKES DECISIONS FOR HER AND LEAVES HER BEHIND WTF. That bit of characterization has never, ever made sense to me.
The series has basically become an overblown video game, and it is wonderful and amazing and fantastic. Come talk to me, people. Tell me your thoughts. (Spoilers totally welcome in the comments.
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