Fandom: Talking Meme: Lost Boys post-movie

Mar 01, 2015 13:43

Clearly, I'm carrying the December Talking Meme well into 2015, so if you want to leave any prompts, feel free to do so here or on the Master List.

Prompt by
havocthecat: I'm on a Lost Boys kick lately, so what's your ideal post-movie scenario? Since The Tribe and The Thirst did not really deliver anything quality with regards to that.

The nostalgia is strong with this prompt. The Lost Boys was my second online fandom, and remains one of my favorites, both for the movie and the fandom itself, and because it brought me so many of my favorite people. I'm still friends with a bunch of people I met in early online Buffy fandom, but my bff came from Lost Boys, and we have a group of friends who are AMAZING. Creative and loyal and smart and wonderful.

I don't really have an ideal post-movie scenario. It really depends on what I've been thinking about most recently. Because I wrote Temptation, Like a Drum for Yuletide, my current favorite post-movie scenario veers far into fix-it fic, vampires surviving the movie, Star staying a half-vampire and learning to control the power that comes from walking between two worlds. Whether only David survives (horn not wood) or they all survive varies. Who makes Star a half-vampire again varies. Whether Michael becomes a vampire again varies. The core of it is created vampire family, Santa Carla, and Star maneuvering her worlds.

Sometimes I love stories about Star and Laddie learning to be human again, about the Emersons navigating a world in which they know monsters are real. The Frog brothers all grown up, hunting things, saving people. Lucy building a safe space for her boys in a city she knows is monstrous and corrupt.

Still really want to read and/or write a story about the werewolves of Santa Carla.

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fandom: december talking, fandom: movies: lost boys

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