Fandom: December Talking Meme #1: Genres

Dec 01, 2014 18:00

There are still some open spaces in my December Talking Meme, so feel free to hit me up with more requests.

Today's prompt came from lyryk, and is about which genres I like, in fanfic or otherwise.

Oh, dudes, this was a difficult question to answer. I like all sorts of things. I like to watch mysteries and contemporary and action adventure and horror. I like to read supernatural adventures and paranormal and horror, all most in young adult. I like to play tabletop games that involve monsters and letting me roll a character that kicks a lot of ass. I love horror video games, except that they're mostly first person, and I can't play those (or generally watch shaky cam movies or tv) because it triggers my vertigo, so that sucks. I like logic puzzles and solving things.

My favorite genre ever is werewolves, because werewolves are awesome. Every fandom needs more werewolves, and therefore werewolf AUs are things I will read the hell out of forever. More on werewolves later this month, though.

I love young adult fiction, particularly supernatural adventure (werewolves and vampires and ghosts and zombies, oh yeah), dystopia, and contemporary that isn't about straight white characters. I love books about road trips and girls kissing and flirtations. I love stories about families, particularly siblings who fight and snarl and still protect each other no matter what.

I really enjoy horror stories, other than torture porn and where rape is used as the best thing to use to scare women. I like mysteries and suspense, though over the past decade or so, I've been more interested in this genre in tv and movies, rather than books. (Let me know if you have any book recs, though. I'd like to get back into reading.) I like sexy stories with a bit of violence, and violence with plot.

In fanfic, I particularly enjoy crossovers, especially where very disparate fandoms are brought together in a storm of AWESOME through excellent characterization. I love poly family stories in fandoms where the source material is all about teams and teamwork.

Across everything, I like action and monsters, and stories that combine them and mix with a dash of romance and a good helping of wit. I like created family stories. I feel strongly that family is not just blood, and I want to see that reflected everywhere.

I just love stories, man. Tell me your tales.

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fandom: december talking, me: meme

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