Fandom: Yuletide 2013 Nominations

Sep 21, 2013 13:17

Yuletide 2013 nominations are open.

I thought I would struggle with mine more than I did, but when I sat down, I realized I really want to read and/or write in three of this fandoms. The other is an old stand-by (and I'm not sure it will qualify as a small fandom this year anyway).

My nominations:

Dance Academy (Abigail Armstrong, Ollie Lloyd, Sammy Lieberman, Kat Karamakov)
Fast and the Furious Series (Letty Ortiz, Mia Toretto, Dominic Toretto, Han Lue)
Protector of the Small - Tamora Pierce (Keladry of Mindelan, Raoul of Goldenlake and Malorie's Peak, Domitan of Masbolle, Shinkokami of Conte)
Provost's Dog - Tamora Pierce (Sabine of Macayhill, Aniki Forfrysning, Kora Ingensra, Nomalla of Halleburn)

There is no overarching theme (except I always want stories about women), but with the last two, I really, really want girl slash between women with swords. Unf. None of mine have been reviewed yet.

What have (or will) you nominate?

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fandom: women are awesome, fandom: movies: fast and the furious, fandom: tv: dance academy, fandom: yuletide, fandom: books: protector of the small, fandom: books: provost's dog

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