Fandom: Glee fic writing

Feb 25, 2011 21:30

Just watching the fun performances -- and mostly skipping the ones that focus on Rachel Berry -- is an excellent way to experience the show. Oh yeah.

Girl kissing sneaked its way into my slightly kinky underage sexy heterosexual Glee fic. How'd that happen? It has also hit 5000 words. How did that happen?

I don't feel well and I have a lot to do this weekend, but I am taking tonight and spending it in bed with my laptop and some tea and some fic writing. Screw everything else. I need some time to relax.

(You know what would make me happy, fandom? Well, lots of things, but at this particular second, a collection of all the scenes where Puck grinds on things. His guitar. His umbrella. His freaking hat. Dear god. Also, whoever has been putting hot people in hats on this show is awesome.)

(So much of this show makes me really, really mad, but I do not have it in me to deal with that tonight.)

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fic: to write, fandom: tv: glee

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