Fandom: television and games and comic books

Feb 05, 2011 15:15

January, kind of a month. But I'm still around and trying to get caught up on my flist reading. I'm also updating my flists; if you're posting to both DW and LJ, especially if you only allow comments on DW, I am removing you from the LJ flist and strictly reading at DW. The balance of my reading is done on DW, I head there first, and I cross-post basically everything. (My goal is to cross-post everything, and I think I'm there, except for the fic lists I keep at LJ. Eventually I'll have a matched set on DW too.)

I know I missed a lot, though, so tell me, flist, what is happening?

For me, life has been busy and hard and frustrating, but I don't want to talk about that. I want to talk about how much I love Fringe. OMG, I love Fringe and Olivia and Astrid and even Peter. Josh Jackson finally won me over, despite me not really liking him much and certainly not finding him attractive ever since Mighty Ducks. Olivia just makes my heart clench, and Astrid is so v. v. awesome.

I have been watching Criminal Minds, too, and though I've seen sporadic episodes throughout all the seasons, I sat down awhile ago to watch them in order. I will watch 2.07 "North Mammon" next, but you guys, my heart is a little broken with Elle leaving. Come back, Elle. I love you! I also love the way Garcia and Morgan talk to each other. I ship them HARDCORE, yo. Also, Morgan spends a lot of time tackling people. I approve. I would happily watch an entire show about Garcia and Morgan and Elle.

Castle has been ridiculously fun lately. (Dude, where are the poly stories about the excellent foursome going on there? And the slightly twisted and wrong but wicked awesome stories about Kate/Castle/Nikki Heat?) Bones, on the other hand, has been kind of meh, though I would love to see some threesome action there, too.

I have been playing Echo Bazaar again lately; for awhile last fall, I played it a lot and then Yuletide got in the way of my gaming, but I am back to it. So much fun. I am pretty far into the Bag a Legend storyline, which is AWESOME. Alas, I will have to start a new game specifically to focus on getting that damn threesome with the melancholy curate and his enigmatic "sister" which I almost had but then got impatient. Shocking absolutely no one, obviously.

I also reread Ultimate X-Men through graphic novel 12 and just reread Uncanny X-Men's Dominant Species arc. How much do I want to write about roving packs of werewolves in the X-Men universe? A LOT. Unsurprising, I know.

Also, and not really based on either of those things, I love Colossus so, so much.

So that is where my fannish energy has gone lately.

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fandom: tv: bones, fandom: threesomes, fandom: tv: criminal minds, fandom: dodgy foursomes & moresomes, fandom: characters of color, fandom: games: echo bazaar, fandom: comics: x-men, fandom: tv: castle

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