Health: I woke up lightheaded and weak and slightly dizzy and can't stop sneezing. I do not know what this is, but I wish it would go away. And with life eating away at my time online, I most only have rage about what comes next in this post, but no analysis of my own. RAGE and lots of links.
Fandom: Oh, fandom.
amazonziti has an excellent summary and collection of links.
kanata has another collection of links. azephirin has another collection of links. Basically, one of the Supernatural Big Bang fics had some serious, serious fail, but this goes beyond one story and one fandom.
bossymarmalade has a post pulling quotes from the story in question. Horrific quotes. In
this post talking about problematic ideas in writing minim_calibre linked to
post from 2007 about how appropriating tragedy is hurtful and harmful. hesychasm also has an excellent post about the current appropriation and the ongoing conversations. sainfoin-fields breaks down the "I'm not a racist" argument. vylit talks about the Othering going on. Quote: And how she portrayed the people -- simple, and less complex than the main white characters, with a focus on their physicality and things that marked them as other -- their exotic skin, their large bodies, and the way they were infantilized through characterization.
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