Fic Rec: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Buffy and Veruca

Feb 15, 2010 21:08

This was a part of what was a werewolf weekend (I frequently have werewolf weekends, but this one involved The Wolfman, obviously a new addition, which is always fun), and god, this fic took my breath away. It still has stolen all my words, or at least all my sense, so this rec may be odd.

carlyinrome wrote In Bocca al Lupo for me for femslash_minis Round 25, in which I requested Buffy and Veruca with wolf senses, snarky conversation and flirting, and the ocean. Because I like all those things a whole lot and want them in basically everything ever.

But god, I had no idea I'd get a story as perfect as In Bocca al Lupo. It's a very physical story, not in that they have sex or beat each other up, but in the descriptions, the way the words so perfectly capture the way these two powerful women are physically in tune with their world. In my comment to her, I said it perfectly capture Veruca's werewolfyness and I stand by that. The language is absolutely amazing, grounding this story in the senses, the way the world is to two hunters, to two dangerous and fantastic women.

And the end left me chilled and thrilled and so very happy.

I knew this would be a difficult pairing, but I really wanted it, I didn't request it just to be difficult, but she makes it look easy, like this reality is exactly how it should be.

Go read it and tell her how wonderful it is.

fandom: werewolves, fic rec: btvs/angel

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