Fic Rec: More Yuletide recs

Dec 29, 2009 16:10

You guys, maybe this is just because I am sick, but there have been a couple of recommendations for a couple of my Yuletide fics which had me near tears because they were so beautiful and made my stories sound so glorious. I am saving them so I can go profusely thank the reccers after the reveal.

Fandom: Friday Night Lights

Fades, If You Let It
Summary: It's not very big, and it's certainly not set up to hold a few dozen people, but somehow here they all are at Tim's small ranch house... Five years later, a reunion of the Dillion State Champs.

This is a lovely story, sharp and soft at the same time, a little bittersweet, but mostly just sweet and happy and totally in character.

tennessee in may
Summary: Texas forever just isn't the same.

Lovely, heartbreaking story about Tim making his own life and Lyla off living hers.


God, Tyra is so sharp here, young and bitter, and her anger is painful to read. It's a gorgeous story though, Tyra and Lyla and Tim and Jason in those moments of summer where you're under new rules but you know the freedom will never last.

The Keeping Place
Summary: Christmas is the keeping place for our memories.

Tami's voice is amazing here, perfectly in character, and the story is full of love.

Fandom: Friday Night Lights/Transamerica/Sons of Anarchy

Across the Great Divide
Summary: When circumstances beyond his control force Toby to take a leave of absence from work, he hops on his motorcycle and pays Bree and Calvin a visit and meets the new Hand that Calvin picked up.

I haven't even seen Transamerica, but this crossover is delicious, fantastic fun. I love the way the three worlds collide, and Toby is an amazing point of view character. Tim Riggins is fantastic here, too, with his animals and his ranch work and basically being awesome.

Fandom: Futurama

Be My Brussels Sprout
Summary: Concerning jealousy, proper robot maintenance, and the hazards of unprotected interspecies relationships.

I love Leela's voice here in particular, but there are some hilarious moments for all the characters.

The Miseducation of Philip J. Fry
Summary: When Planet Express is forced to close for the holidays and their X-mas party is canceled, Fry realizes that everyone in the crew has somewhere else to go to, except him. What follows is a touching, epic journey of self-discovery. And beer. And hot hologram chicks.

This is an awesome story, like a really great episode.

Fandom: Whip It

Searching for Something that Makes Hearts Move
Summary: Pash adjusts the strap of her backpack, double-checks the rainbow button on the front.

Pash is incredible here, so sharp and vulnerable and smart, and I love her with Maggie Mayhem.

Fandom: Tortall - Pierce

Travelling Towards Tomorrow
Summary: "With my mouth, I learnt to duck young." Or, Neal's first year as a squire.

Scenes from Neal's first year as a squire, with bonus Kel being awesome and moments were Alanna is hilarious and then one where she is absolutely heart breaking.

Five Worlds in Which Keladry of Mindelan Did Not Become a Lady Knight
Summary: ... as seen from the one in which she did.

These are fun, interesting, creepy, sad little scenes of Kel's potential lives which leave me even happier than before that she became a lady knight. Kel's my favorite Tortall character and she is amazing here.

fic rec: transamerica, fic rec: futurama, fic rec: whip it, fic rec: friday night lights, fic rec: sons of anarchy, fic rec: tortall, fic rec: crossover

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