meme: Girl Slash Tarot Card Fic Meme

Sep 11, 2009 21:53

So femslash100 is having a Tarot Card Challenge. I don't want to do drabbles, though (maybe short ficlets instead), and I don't really want to do them all for one couple, so I am opening it up to you. Below the cut is the table of cards. You tell me what girl slash or gen about female characters should go with which card and I will write it.

Tarot Card Challenge chart )

fandom: girl slash, me: meme

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Comments 2

ficwize September 12 2009, 03:06:57 UTC
How about Lilo from Lilo and Stitch and Strength?


blacknblue2 September 14 2009, 02:56:33 UTC
Maybe the two lovely ladies in your icon, and The Moon?


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