Dear Remix Author,
Have fun! Don't stress!
No, really. I like remixes which take chances and which maybe the remix author worries isn't really a remix. I like remixes which take a ficlet or a drabble and turn it into something layered and longer and lovely. I like remixes which show me the characters I've written from a different character's point of view. I like remixes which take my story and show me the bigger story into which it fits.
Basically? I just like remixes. As long as you have fun writing it, I'm going to love it. Promise.
You received these in your assignment email, I'm sure, but just in case, technical details:
You can find my fic on LJ or DW under the fic tag under fic: [fandom]. I've not tested all of DW to make sure everything is properly tagged, so LJ is your best bet there. You can also find my fic at
Escritoire Azul, which includes my pre-LJ fic.
You have a list of previous remixes written (though one of them was for the Remus Remix and I'm not sure if that's eligible or not for remixing now, since it was a remix of a drabble written specifically for the Remus Remix), but also you should know that "Queertet Revisited" is technically a remix written with a coauthor who isn't participating and is therefore off-limits. Also, I've just realized that I can't remember if I listed
"Four Things Adam Banks Didn't Do At His Reunion (the will he won't he remix)" as a remix, because it was written for the Mighty Ducks Butterly Ficathon, not Remix, but it is still a remix.
I love werewolves and women doing awesome things and crossovers and apocalypses and women from other fandoms becoming Slayers and girl slash and Fast and the Furious, particularly Letty/Dom and Letty/Mia, and I've written in something like 30 fandoms, depending on how you count them, so have fun!
In other news, thanks to a brainstorming session with
wizefics, I know what I'm going to write now for my Remix story. We did this for
apocalyptothon too and it really helped.