I'm finally reading
cleolinda's recap of
Midnight Sun (which is a partial draft of Twilight from Edward's point of view). I think I started it before, but never finished it. Reading this has inspired me to start reading Midnight Sun itself (much like reading the recap made me get Breaking Dawn), which is available for free at
SMeyer's website. It's the first half, I think, and I'm not sure it will ever be finished, which makes me kind of sad.
As usual, I couldn't care less about Edward and Bella, but oh, my foursome continues to be FABULOUS.
Why does it make me sad? Well because Jasper is delightfully, disturbingly hot, and Emmett is very much
Growing Up Cullen awesome, and Rosalie is, well, she's my girl.
Not to mention Edward has a couple moments of being nearly pretty cool himself. First, going to high school over and over isn't fun. (Which, yeah, about that. What the hell?) And then he wants to eat Bella and that's great. He calculates how fast he could kill all the witnesses so he could take time drinking her blood. I am down with this actual vampire want here.
But mostly, because of my foursome.
Edward is super bitchy about how Rosalie's thoughts are about herself, but you know, if I knew Edward was constantly listening, I'd probably keep my thoughts super shallow, too. Asshole. Emmett loses a wrestling match to Jasper and is obsessed with having a rematch.
Yes, I think you know what I really believe is going on there. HOT VAMPIRE SEX.
Jasper wants to eat people. You know, like a vampire does. And he's really, deliciously hot as he wants to do it.
Jasper was letting his imagination get away from him. He was picturing it--picturing himself getting up from his seat next to Alice and going to stand beside the little girl. Thinking of leaning down and in, as if he were going to whisper in her ear, and letting his lips touch the arch of her throat. Imagining how the hot flow of her pulse beneath the fine skin would feel under his mouth...
Holy shit, y'all, SMeyer actually wrote a halfway hot scene paragraph. Jasper. God.
There is some vampire flirting in the snow between Tanya and Edward. I'm pretty sure I wrote this but way, way hotter.
Emmett and Jasper have a snowball fight. I'm pretty sure I wrote this hotter, too, but I still like it.
And then there is THIS EXCHANGE:
"Ease up, Edward," Emmett said. "Honestly. So you kill one human. That's hardly the end of the world."
"You would know," I murmured.
Emmett laughed. "You've got to learn to get over thing. Like I do. Eternity is a long time to wallow in guilt."
Just then, Alice tossed a smaller handful of ice that she'd been hiding into Emmett's unsuspecting face.
He blinked, surprised, and then grinned in anticipation.
"You asked for it," he said as he leaned across the table and shook his ice-encrusted hair in her direction. The snow, melting in the warm room, flew out from his hair in a thick shower of half-liquid, half-ice.
"Ew!" Rose complained, as she and Alice recoiled from the deluge.
Alice laughed, and we all joined in.
OMG EMMETT! And Alice! God, how in the world can SMeyer write such awesome secondary characters and such awful main characters? REALLY? HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE?
So I've had to stop reading - even with skimming, way too much Bella and Edward, which is why I've not managed to reread the books in order to write more foursome - but god, am I amused, and the recap should be wonderful to continue that.
And so, inspired by this, I've been looking at
twilight_slash just to see if there are any other foursome writers out there, and, um, not so much. I see a lot of:
+ Edward/Jasper
+ Alice/Bella (Well, duh. Alice brings the homoeroticism like woah.)
+ Rosalie/Bella
+ Carlisle/Jacob (Huh. I do believe that Carlisle likes the boys as well as the girls, but I hadn't put this one together. I will think on it some.)
+ Far less Edward/Seth than I expected.
+ Edward/Jasper/Alice (Yay for more than two!)
So basically I want to write lots and lots of foursome. Yeah.
Speaking of my boy Emmett,
crimson_keys asked for prompts awhile back, and I suggested Emmett and Paul (from The Lost Boys) because Emmett is hot and funny and Paul is (in fandom at least) hilarious. (No, seriously, I was looking for the funny. If I wanted the hot, I would have requested Emmett, Rosalie, and Dwayne, and, um, maybe I shouldn't let myself get distracted by that train of thought.)
ANYWAY. Keya wrote the story, and she brought the hot, but she also brought the emotional depth.
"Battling Demons" has Paul and Emmett being funny, and being hot, and then being serious and deep (and bisexual). It wasn't at all what I expected, and I'm a little surprised I love it, because of the subject matter, but I do. (Warning for possible triggery self-injury.) And mostly it is disturbingly, deliciously hot in the way I like my vampires.
Also lately I have been reading
"Cracked Stars Shining", which is a Harry Potter/Supernatural/Buffy the Vampire Slayer crossover of epic proportions. It has Hermione/Dean (and Genevera/Sam, though it's told from Hermione's point of view (mostly) and so the focus is H/D) and some really hot sex. There are a bunch of appearances by other characters, most of which I can see as fantastic extrapolations from the source (though Spike reads more to me like Hank McCoy from X-Men). It's a long story, 165k and counting, and it is incomplete. I really enjoyed it, though, and there's a scene which pretty much crystalizes what I'm looking for in a male bottom or submissive, which is, you know, not exactly submission except in that moment, that scene, that bit of sex. Yeah. I really, really like this story, and I can't wait for more.
(Speaking of TLB, I'm watching Tales from the Darkside, and I finally found a werewolf episode, and the kid is reading Fangoria in a way which reminds me SO MUCH of Sam reading the vampire comics in TLB it made me grin. Also, I totally called the "plot twist" which just goes to show that I know far too much about werewolf stories. That or I am one with media, which is what Keya thinks. That or there really is nothing new under the sun.)