[fandom] dodgy foursome

Nov 25, 2008 00:53

Since I can't rewatch the movie right now, I am rereading the series in preparation for writing the dodgy foursome fic. (It is possible that reading this crap again is going to melt my brain, by the way. The things I do to write dodgy foursomes.) It is really, truly horrible - it's even worse after having seen the movie, which was better (though, not good).

I am clinging to the little things.

Like the fact that Alice and Emmett hold hands right before the baseball game. And the way Emmett has this easy familiarity during the scene, and winks at Bella. He's obviously okay with the dodgy foursome turning into a dodgy moresome. (Yeah, that was bad, even for me. Sorry about that.) Carlisle sends Emmett and Alice with Edward and Bella to get the Jeep when the man-eaters show up. I like the combination of Emmett's strength with Alice's ability to see the future. They would make a formidable team.

Yes, I would like to write this dodgy foursome.

fandom: movies: twilight, fandom: girl slash, fandom: meta: boy slash, fandom: dodgy foursomes & moresomes

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