[fandom] cheesy horror fanfic

Oct 31, 2008 12:31

So far today, while cleaning and doing website work, I've watched Cabin Fever (I've seen it before, and this was the edited for tv version so not nearly as fun, but I was struck early on with the need to write threesome fic), a bunch of Halloween episodes of Sabrina the teenage witch, and am now watching Pterodactyl. It's pretty bad, but early on I was tempted to write bisexual girl slash.

I will be doing no writing of the sort, I don't have time, but the want is there, so maybe someday.

The sun is shining, the air is warm(er than it has been), and Dad and J. are on their way with my next vehicle. Soon I will be able to drive again, and do things like make that big grocery run so I can have bread and meat and, oh, toilet paper. Awesome.

fandom: movies: cabin fever, fandom: girl slash, fandom: movies: pterodactyl, fandom: threesomes, fandom: tv: sabrina

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