Title: The Cause of Trouble
Author: Carla (
Disclaimer: Disney owns characters from Lilo & Stitch.
Spoilers: The movie, but not any of the sequels or the television show.
Author’s Note: The title is from Elvis’s “Hard Headed Woman”, of course.
Written for:
slashthedrabble prompt 159 "Drive"
_beetle_ for all the fun Lilo/Myrtle she's written
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Comments 11
Dude--okay, must take a moment to compose myself or all you'll get out of me is "dude"s and "OMG!!!!"s. . . .
There’s something different about Lilo, but Nani couldn’t quite put her finger on it.
I just love the understatement of that first line. It makes me wanna go "duh!", but despite all the obvious weird we notice about Lilo, think of all that's hidden underneath her skin, the stuff no one sees.
That first line was like a zen koan.
Something besides the normal weirdness of a talking dog and alien uncles and the fact that, no matter how many times Nani took her out, Lilo just couldn't get the hang of driving a stick.
Yeah, Nani doesn't know the half of it, yet.
She flew a spaceship before she was ten, but Nani’s Jeep was too much for her.OMG!!!! I've fallen in love with your Lilo--so hard. And stick--dude, I started my slashthedrabble "drive" story and it's Myrtle teaching Lilo--trying to teach Lilo to drive stick. My Myrtle didn't have quite as flash a car, but--dude. Dude. I'm verklempt. I'm in serious love ( ... )
I do want to write more about how life is still difficult for Nani, even with the governmental help, and how do you ask for more money from the aliens when they don't know what life is like on Earth and it really hurts her pride. She'll do it if she has to, but she hates that she's not enough to take care of Lilo.
So known about town, but also lonely, I'm thinking. Poor girl, indeed. And the way Kauai is changing? A nice touch. You tell a lot of story in a few well-chosen words.
Poor girl, Nani almost felt sorry for her. There had only been two white girls in Nani’s class, and they had it pretty rough. The flashier they were, the rougher they had it. Parents, trying to help, and making everything worse. Nani knew just how that felt, just, you know, from the parental side of things.
Nani . . . a mom before she's a mom. You have to tell more of this 'verse.
They were around back, nothing big, just two teens sitting in the hammock and Lilo strumming ( ... )
I really feel for Nani, losing out on her youth in order to raise Lilo. I mean, it's fantastic, she wants to keep Lilo out of the foster system, but oh, how much she gave up. I do intend to write more about that.
This actually isn't the story I was antsy about posting. That one is still in progress. This was just a short thing inspired by the prompt. I am definitely writing more.
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