Title: Hesitate (Before the End)
Author: Carla
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss, and others, of course.
Dedication: Written for Sheepfairy for
Request(s): One, Kendra/Drusilla (licking, fighting, hypnotism); Two, Kendra/Buffy (junk food, stuffed animals, bonding)
Summary: There are stories in the bones, in Slayer flesh and blood.
Hesitate (Before the End) )
Comments 16
I also love Buffy and Kendra being nice to each other.
Basically, loved it, and loved the ideas and the pairings.
I *love* the Drusilla part so much, and how it emphasizes how important Kendra and the kill is to Drusilla. Because, really, that obsession with death and murder is Drusilla's only way of loving, and the way you wrote it here is just so lyrical and pretty.
And I love the second with Buffy too, for completely different reasons, because they are both teenagers and they are both slayers and it is so nice to see them bonding. I especially like how Kendra's approval and happiness are subtle, and kind of wrapped up with her slayer duties. It's just like her.
Thank you so, so much! This whole thing basically made my week :D
I'm so glad you enjoyed the story! Writing it was the highlight of my week; as soon as I saw the prompts, I knew I wanted to write both of them, because they fit together so well.
Thank you so much for your feedback!
And I quite like Buffy/Kendra. I like how you portrayed their relationship!
Nicely done! And thank you for sharing! :)
I loved writing the first part; it was great trying to capture Dru in language.
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