Fandom To Do List
+ second draft remix
+ first draft comica obscura
+ finish remix
+ find beta for remix
+ find beta for comica obscura
+ write The Fast and the Furious Letty drabble
+ brainstorm with Brandi re cowriting The Lost Boys story
+ get new host information from B'Fly because I'm stupid
+ finish The Fast and the Furious Dom ficlet
x-men 100 challenge+ find places to post joint The Fast and the Furious story sometime in the next few months
+ response to The Fast and the Furious story line with Shi (had a great idea driving back from the airport)
+ email Shi regarding The Lost Boys joint story
+ write The Lost Boys joint alternate history (my assignment, Dwayne)
+ brainstorm with Star re The Mighty Ducks story
+ update website (change display, decide which stories to keep)
+ make more Vin Diesel icons
+ finish fandom mixes (specifically, big change to Gambit mix)
+ write
musesfool's belated ficlet
+ finish fanfic author appreciate week posts
+ find picture for comica obscura story
+ write essay on women in The Fast and the Furious
+ write story about Beast/Storm, death, and Storm-->Wolverine, Ultimate X-Men (forgetting)
+ femme-slash Storm/Jean ficlet, Ultimate #1?
+ Colossus story Red Mafiya (Ultimate #54) "We may not have been saints...but we always did whatever it took to look after our own."