Title: Nearest, Dearest Enemy (Calm Before the Storm) Author: Carla Disclaimer: Joss, etc., owns everything. Written for: blueanddollsome for the first annual oldschoolbtvs No School Like the Old School ficathon
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Hi, I am reading off my beaten path this month - looking for new fic by new-to-me writers.
I enjoyed this fic. I liked how you managed to capture the voices (and the unsteady relationships) in each of the sections. Cordy's voice was particularly good:
If she encourages him, he’ll keep dressing the way he does - those shoes! What kind of world does he think they live in? Is there a world where those shoes and that outfit work?
and I liked your Dru, too:
The stars sing to her, songs of the dead, celebrations. Drusilla wishes to have a party, she gathers invitations and scatters them like largess, human blood on human skin and all the most delightful people will attend.
Thank you so much for your feedback! I'm glad you liked the story, and especially Cordelia's and Drusilla's voices. I have such trouble with both of them, Cordy in particular, and so work extra hard when I write them. I'm so glad to hear it worked.
Comments 11
*likes this a lot*
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The story was actually built around the Xander/Cordelia one, after writing the other Cordelia story for the ficathon, I wanted to write her some more.
This has so many brilliant juxtapositions, negations. Xander, in comparison, smells really, really good. Spike turning his face from the moon.
I am reading off my beaten path this month - looking for new fic by new-to-me writers.
I enjoyed this fic. I liked how you managed to capture the voices (and the unsteady relationships) in each of the sections. Cordy's voice was particularly good:
If she encourages him, he’ll keep dressing the way he does - those shoes! What kind of world does he think they live in? Is there a world where those shoes and that outfit work?
and I liked your Dru, too:
The stars sing to her, songs of the dead, celebrations. Drusilla wishes to have a party, she gathers invitations and scatters them like largess, human blood on human skin and all the most delightful people will attend.
Nice job.
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