book discussion anyone?

Mar 08, 2005 17:50

I keep coming back to this topic, but it never bores me, so. I compiled a list of recommendations for dragonsinger and decided to list it here, too, in hopes that people might see this list and add others. These were the supernatural/fantasy stories that had more romantic aspects to them, because that's what dragonsinger wanted. I, personally, like the more horror and supernatural based stories, but I'm willing to read anything once.

The Southern Vampire Series by Charlaine Harris (Dead to the World, Living Dead in Dalls, Club Dead, Dead to the World, and Dead as a Doornail [coming soon])

The Women of the Otherworld Series by Kelley Amstrong (Bitten, Stolen [both werewolf main character], Dime Store Magic, Industrial Magic [both witch main character], and Haunted [ghost main character, coming soon])

Dead Witch Walking and The Good, the Bad, and the Undead by Kim Harrison

Dhampir, Thief of Lives, and Sister of the Dead by Barb and JC Hendee

The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher (Storm Front, Fool Moon, Grave Peril, Summer Knight, Death Masks, Blood Rites, and Dead Beat [coming soon])

The Weather Warden Series by Rachel Caine (Ill Wind, Heat Stroke, and Chill Factor)

I've read all but the Weather Warden Series (though most of my friends recommend it all the time). Some are better than others (Jim Butcher is my favorite and the Hendee and Harrison books fall at the other end of the spectrum) but they are all interesting and have the same sort of supernatural flavor with romantic aspects.

I would recommend Laurell K. Hamilton, but only the middle books. I think the early ones are rough and the latter ones horrid, but the middle few were good.

What do you suggest I read?

fandom: books

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