[ficlet The Fast and the Furious] memory in oil, sweat, blood

Mar 08, 2005 16:53

Title: memory in oil, sweat, blood
Author: Carla
Disclaimer: Characters from The Fast and the Furious belong to Rob Cohen and others.
Rating: 14+ for language and sexual topics
Author's note: First I wrote "always she is dominant" from Letty's point of view, then shisaiyan wrote "He Thinks of Her" as a comment sequel from the new woman's point of view, and ( Read more... )

fic: fast and the furious, fic

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Comments 8

Mmm... shisaiyan March 9 2005, 03:06:34 UTC
Sexy, raw, powerful... very nice... anyone else getting the idea that we should maybe talk about a tag Fast and the Furious fic? Maybe based around these little ficlets of ours? Gimme a little while, I've got a response forming in my head


Re: Mmm... escritoireazul March 9 2005, 07:37:26 UTC
We should absolutely write a tag Fast and the Furious fic. This is killing me, the fun of it and the tight characterization we have going. I can't wait to read your response!


"She never lets us forget" shisaiyan March 10 2005, 04:56:48 UTC
I'm not Dom. She'll never let me forget it, never let any of us. She uses us, fucks us and plays with us, but we still stick around, an odd group of five or so that Letty parties with, races with, sleeps with on occaision. It's not a relationship of any kind, there's no nice words, or even a pretense of feelings. There's sweat and sex and grease and cars and that's it ( ... )


Re: "She never lets us forget" escritoireazul March 10 2005, 05:16:20 UTC
Holy shit.

I'm sorry, that's all I've got right now. I'll try to give understandable feedback later but my mind is blown.


Re: "She never lets us forget" escritoireazul March 13 2005, 06:11:40 UTC
I'm working on my response now, but I wanted to ask, may I archive your responses with mine on my website? I'm in the middle of redoing it, and I want to post these so bad. I'm also looking for other places we can post them, because they're wonderful together!


Re: "She never lets us forget" shisaiyan March 14 2005, 02:33:33 UTC
Go ahead! What site is this? Of Love and Blood?


buhfly January 4 2006, 23:35:37 UTC
Squeak. Ohmigod, SO MUCH LOVE for this one. I loved their relationship in the movie and you totally captured it here.


escritoireazul January 11 2006, 15:25:25 UTC
Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! One of my biggest beefs with the Fast and the Furious fandom (the little I know of it) is the way it rarely handles Letty, and her relationship with Dom, very well at all. Mostly it's a slash fandom, and while I can see the attraction between Dom and Brian, I don't think Letty can just be ignored.

You made me so happy with this comment, thank you!


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