[links] Apocalyptothon and John Winchester

Mar 31, 2007 23:18

+ The Apocalyptothon is taking fandom suggestions for the next ficathon. You don't have to intend to sign up for it to vote, so go list the things you'd love to read, if nothing else.

I love "normal" fandoms hit by an apocalypse myself. I'd love to see Blue Crush or The Fast and the Furious during an apocalypse. (In fact, I may have to write these anyway -- I just had a Blue Crush apocalypse idea.)

+ cofax7 has an interesting post defending John Winchester. I, personally, am a big fan of Daddy Winchester, and do not understand why so much of fandom hates him.

Before I went to the gym, J. came to get me because Billy Wirth's American Gladiators appearance was on tv during some marathon. This was back in the days of long hair and strong upper body. Yum. He still looked a lot like Dwayne then.

"A quiet guy who the fans really like." Yeah, that sounds about right.

This has been sitting here all evening. I should hit post. Also, as usual, I am really far behind on livejournal, and am reading sporadically whenever I get the chance.

fandom: ficathons, fandom: tv: supernatural, fic: to write, fandom: supernatural: john, links: to do

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