Title: Into Her Dreams (Vampire Edit)
Author: Carla (
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femslash07Fandom: Kim Harrison - Dead Witch Walking
Pairing: Ivy Tamwood/Rachel Morgan
Rating: 13+
Word count: 1900+
Disclaimer: Kim Harrison owns Ivy and Rachel.
Spoilers: Dead Witch Walking and The Good, The Bad, and The UndeadSummary: Ivy dreams in black, white, and red
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Comments 24
That's perfect. Just bloody perfect. That's amazing, the, the stylistic chances you took, and you've captured Ivy so well. Damn. This is great.
Thank you. I really needed to hear this, and you just absolutely made my day.
I'm excited about it, too. I enjoyed Dead Witch Walking when I first read it (I worked at a bookstore back then, and so had the arc pretty early), but not very many people I know have read the series. This is good, finding more fans.
This was absolutely, positively amazing. Hot, twisted, and a wonderful view from inside Ivy's head. I love the imagery, the way you've captured Ivy's need and insecurities, and how her dreams are filled with scents and tastes:
Ivy bites, swift and smooth, and the saliva pumps into Rachel, and her cry of pain is cut off, then muted, then transmuted into pleasure, such delicious, delectable pleasure.
And Ivy
tastes like wood, things growing from the dirt, living things green and lush and crunchy sweet.
Mmmm. Gorgeous prose, interesting stylistic choices that work, and the delicious lines are too many to list.
Rachel doesn't listen to demands, not Ivy's, not anyone's. She says how it will be, and she gets mad if you break her rules, but not if she breaks yours, or anyone else’s.
And this one made me laugh out loud a little, too, because it's so perfectly Rachel if the series were told from anyone else's, especially Ivy's, point of view.
Thank you!
And this one made me laugh out loud a little, too, because it's so perfectly Rachel if the series were told from anyone else's, especially Ivy's, point of view.
It makes me laugh, too, and I almost cut it for that reason, I thought it seemed a little frivolous compared to the tone of the rest of the story, but it's so true! I couldn't leave it out.
Ivy is my favorite character in the series, and I was very excited to get the chance to write her. Thank you for your prompt, and again, I'm really glad you enjoyed the story. I had an absolute blast writing it.
Hope you write more in this fandom. Unfortunately, I don't think Kim Harrison's going to go there with these two, which is too bad.
I don't think Harrison is going to do it, either, and that really disappoints me. There are hints at it, but then Rachel, like so many other POV characters in these type of books, is all, "Gay is fine for them, but I'm straight. Straight straight straight. Never any doubt. Straight." (Protesting a bit too much, I think.)
I'd really like to see a gay or bisexual POV character in these types of stories.
I think I will have to write some more in it. When I first started, I went looking for other fanfic and didn't find any. Do you know of any archives or authors?
As much as I find Rachel's typical preternatural-romance/thriller "I am so straight, really!" attitude frustrating, my impression as of the last book was that Harrison might take her in a more queer/poly direction than I initially expected. Rachel's denial level would rise to ridiculous heights otherwise. I at least expect strong subtext, which would still be more than I've found in any other series in the genre. (But I haven't read any recent interviews or anything, so I could be clinging to wishful thinking.)
I found a grand total of three Rachel Morgan stories on Fanfiction.net last time I looked, but neither really stuck in my head. These are links, definitely not recs:
(I know, I know, if you don't find something you like, write it yourself. I am doing that, too, but I don't get much of a kick out of reading my own stories. I'd still love to read books besides my own which deal with it.)
I definitely understand the links versus recs. Thank you.
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I was actually surprised, when I went looking, that there isn't more of a fandom for this series, especially when you look at the fandom for Laurell K. Hamilton's Anita Blake series.
I've only read the first three so far (I got Dead Witch Walking as an arc back when I worked at the bookstore, but since I left, I've only just picked up the fourth, and haven't even thought about buying the latest, though I will), but I do like the world she's built. I'm kind of eh about Rachel, but Ivy -- Ivy, I love.
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