[life] fannish slack

Feb 28, 2007 22:18

I have been so non-fannish lately, it's very sad. (Well, not sad, exactly, I just miss being fannish.) I watch my shows (I'm down to Bones and Supernatural, though I will get caught up on BSG eventually -- sooner rather than later, because there's a lot of fic I'd like to read -- and I still intend to give Dresden Files a chance), read my books (one of my goals this spring is to read a huge chunk of the To Read piles in order to see what I can get rid of before I move), and spaz about school.

I still don't know where I'm going because the decision is hard to make. I know where I'd like to go based on social life/roommate situation, I know where I'd like to go based on where I want to practice after I'm done, I know where I want to go based on degree opportunities, and I know where I want to go based on simple prestige of the school -- unfortunately, most of those things don't apply to the same place.

I've been tearing through books and Netflix movies, though, and I'm excited about Wiscon in May. I really like the story I have started for Remix/Redux, and I'm less fond of the story for Femslash 07, but I still like the idea behind it. So there is a little bit of fannish activity occuring, not much.

Part of it is after some things changed in my personal life, I lost my Buffy watching partner, and have just kind of slumped in fandom since then. I'm not sure why, it's not like she provided a huge outlet for fannish thoughts. I guess watching it with someone who hadn't seen it before just sparked new happiness in me. I'll get it back.

My workouts continue to get better. Today was particularly good, both with cardio and with weight lifting. I'm especially pleased to have upped my bench press another five pounds, bringing me to ninety pounds overall. That's just ten pounds away from my first goal. I think by mid-March, at the latest, I'll be there.

me: working out, fandom: woe

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