[to do] fandom goals 2006 and 2007

Jan 01, 2007 06:15

Here are the goals I made for 2006, and commentary on how I did.

+ be more active and involved here (both in posting and in commenting)

I both did and did not do this one. For the first part of the year, I was pretty active, but after Wiscon at the end of May, my time here went rapidly downhill, and after Mom went into the hospital, I've only had time to read in fits and spurts.

+ finish some WIP writing

I did some of this, but not nearly enough.

+ write more femslash

This is a big check, and I'm so glad. I've had a lot of fun writing girl slash.

+ write more in my new fandoms

I haven't written a lot more in my new fandoms, but I did write some, and I picked up some new ones for Yuletide as well.

+ give more feedback to writers/artists/vidders

I pretty much failed this completely.

+ maybe attend some sort of con

I did! I went to Wiscon 30, which was a fantastic experience.

My goals for 2007 are:

+ to finish more WIP fics (I don't have any with outstanding deadlines right now, which is part of why they are languishing on my hard drive. I'd like to get many of them done before May.)
+ to attend another convention (This is sort of a given, because I already have tickets and a place to stay for Wiscon 31.)
+ to write in at least one more new fandom (I've enjoyed them so far.)
+ to spend time each weekend reading fanfic (My fanfic to read list is ridiculous.)
+ to give more feedback (I really want to do this one.)
+ to be more involved in this journal
+ to write more girl slash (Because there is never enough girl slash.)
+ to write more meta (Because I have thinky thoughts, they just don't often make it here.)

Those seem like good goals. We'll see how I do come next January.

fandom: resolutions

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