"Holy Night" by musesfool is a terrible, wonderful, painful story about Zoe, almost broken, and Mal, never knowing just the right thing to say. It's short, but so much is packed into each word it is absolutely unbelievable.
"The Likes of Which You Ain't Ever Seen" by
musesfool is a cute, funny story in which Jayne gets arrested and Kaylee and River must ride to the rescue.
"Looking For Normal" by
inlovewithnight is a sad, beautiful story about Scott Summers and his friendship with Reed Richards (of Fantastic Four fame) in the aftermath of X2.
"Stolen Waters" by
fabu is a painful, wonderful short story about Elizabeth and Will after PotC:Dead Man's Chest, which incorporates that worry about what's to come very well.
"Her Daddy Was" by
moony is a slow story filled with hurting set a long time after Brokeback Mountain and narrated by Alma Del Mar Junior. It's lovely.