(no subject)

Nov 27, 2008 21:06

D.Gray-Man Drabbles (Prompted)

Written in March 2007


Jasdebi for sougo

Prompt: Cute, fluffy, cuddles, incest.

He curls up against you as you lay on the couch you stole from Tyki earlier in the day and you press your face into his shoulder-blade. The skin there is soft and you're not surprised because he takes very good care of his body despite the way he looks.

He snuggles up closer to you and murmurs your name into your chest and you sigh. Your arms are pinned between you both comfortably and your legs are intertwined. You don't need to imagine what the skin beneath his clothes feels like because you know it more intimately than your own. He's warm against your side and you're happy in the way that only he can make you happy.

Rhode might have walked by a few times. Skin might have complained about his food again. Tyki might have bitched about his couch. None of this matters to you because right now the world is in your arms and everything else is inconsequential.

This is your world, and no one else is allowed in it.

(~'[]')~ ~( '[]' )~ ~('[]'~)

Allen/Jerry for tosshi

Prompt: Seme!Allen. Doesn’t matter with who.

Often time Allen will wake up in the middle of the night for no reason at all with his skin tingling and his senses alert. He knows this is most likely not normal, but he knows that 'normal' has never been a word used to describe him.

Tonight there is an aura around the bright quarter-moon and he has a feeling that the rest of the Order will awake to a world sparkling with water and sweet with the scent of morning rain. His thoughts are disrupted by the deep rumbling his stomach is emitting and he quickly heads towards the kitchens -- the only place in the whole of Headquarters that he can find without getting lost on the way.

By the time he arrives in the kitchens his feet have gone numb from the chilly tiled floors and the lingering smells of last evening's dinner causes his mouth to water. He's just about made it past all of Jerry's new security measures (especially made to keep him out, but that's never stopped him before) when he's stopped by the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"And just what do you think you're doing?"

The tapping of Jerry's foot against the kitchen floor keys Allen in to the fact that he is going to be hard pressed to get himself out of this situation. He sends the cook what he hopes to be an innocent grin but switches his tactics when Jerry's frown deepens and sends a devious smile instead.

"I thought you'd like some company," he purrs, slinking his way over to the cook's side. "It's been rather cold out and I wouldn't want you to catch the flu..." He trails off and places one hand on Jerry's forehead and the other on his own when a flush breaks over the older man's face. "Are you sure you don't have a fever? Your face is rather red..."

"I-I'm fine," Jerry manages. Allen is looking up at him with an expression on his face that Jerry is not used to seeing on him. It looked absolutely predatory, and he was ashamed to admit that it was causing a long-forgotten feeling to stir in his stomach.

"Alright," Allen says without pulling away. "But could you please tell me what's on the menu for this morning?"

"Well... that is" -- Jerry makes a commendable attempt to respond but is cut off by Allen's lips crushing suddenly against his own. Allen grins as he tastes the remnants of last evening's steak in the cook's mouth.

There isn’t anything Allen wouldn't do for food.

(~'[]')~ ~( '[]' )~ ~('[]'~)

Allen/Lavi for xhimitsuaiyoku

Prompt: Seme!Allen/Uke!Lavi

"Allen," Lavi asks with awe and not a small bit of whinging, "Why do you get extra dessert when I don't?"

Allen looks up from where he is shovelling down his ice-cream covered strawberry pie and swallows. "I don't know," he lies. Lavi gives him a disbelieving stare so Allen clarifies, "And even if I did, you wouldn't like it."

"Who says I wouldn't?" dares Lavi. Allen licks some ice-cream off of his spoon slowly and contemplates this.

"I guess I said you wouldn't," he replies disinterestedly. Lavi decides to take action which, in this case, means stealing the remainder of Allen's pie, and holds it high above his head so that the shorter teen couldn't reach it.

"Fine!" huffs Allen, puffing his cheeks out in irritation. "I'll show you!"

He then proceeds to pull Lavi's face towards his by his scarf and promptly crushes their mouths together.

Lavi's nearly suffocated by the time Allen pulls back and it's as he is sitting dazed at their table that he realizes that not only is Allen's dessert missing, but his as well.

Somewhere not-too-far away, Allen laughs and wipes the remains of Lavi's blueberry pie off of his cheek.

Lavi isn't sure whether or not he should start challenging Allen more often.

Allen wonders if kissing people will always get him extra desserts.

(~'[]')~ ~( '[]' )~ ~('[]'~)

Tyki/Allen for blasphemy_blue

Prompt: Tyki/Noah!Allen fluff.

When Allen wakes up groggily in warm arms that are strangely familiar he finds that he remembers things that he has never experienced. He blinks away the burning pain in his head that has become more-than-familiar over the past few weeks and stares up into eyes of molten gold.

"Welcome to the 'World of the Informed'."

Allen finds the rumble of the older man's chest a comforting distraction from his headache and rubs his face against the expensive fabric of the man's dress shirt.

"I don't get it," he murmurs to the shirt-fabric.

"Get what?" the shirt rumbles back. Allen sighs and pulls back to stare the other Noah in the eye.

"I don't get why you've made us Exorcists your enemies, Tyki"

Tyki's response to this involves much less clothes than Allen thought it would, and it's only after he's lying in Tyki's soft bed and comparing the colours of their skin as the older man sleeps that he realizes he never really got an answer.

(~'[]')~ ~( '[]' )~ ~('[]'~)

Komui for sougo

Prompt: Anything science-branch centric.

Komui Lee doesn't believe in God. He finds that there are too many variables and contradicting theories with the bible and religion in general so he prefers to believe in himself, Lenalee, and the surrogate-family he has found with the Dark Order.

He's sitting at his desk doing his paperwork while making it seem like he actually isn't (one of his favourite things to do aside from really not doing paperwork) when Reever brings him some coffee in his favourite mug. He grins his thanks and dodges the younger man's inquiries as to when he is going to start doing some work with a wave of his hand. Reever leaves, head shaking, and Komui sips at his coffee absently until there's none left.

Surreptitiously finishing off the last of his paperwork he lays his head down on his desk to sleep. Because he trusts his family enough to look after everything, including himself and his baby sister, he finds it easy to drift into a peaceful slumber.

He will wake up to Lenalee prodding him awake gently; steaming mug of fresh coffee balanced carefully on her tray. Allen will be at the other end of the department handing out coffee to the others in his department because he is helpful like that and knows how to treat a lady.

He sips at his coffee more carefully this time to savour the taste. He makes a mental-note to thank Jerry later that evening.

By the time early-morning rolls 'round most of the science department is sprawled across desks and paperwork, fast asleep, and Komui sits there, relishing in the peace. He cherishes these moments -- when everything feels perfectly safe and normal, like there isn't a war raging on that they are struggling to win -- more than any other time he can think of.

Komui doesn't believe in Heaven, because for all the pain and suffering they endure he knows there is no better place than where he is -- surrounded by the people he cares about and who care about him in return.

He doesn't believe in God because God hasn't done anything to help him in his life, but he does believe in a higher power and he knows exactly what it is:

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