Sep 29, 2004 02:02
So here's the deal - my nickname with all my friends (which of course means allllll belly dancers in my life, including my students and past teachers even) has been Slave since sophomore year in high school. It has no sexual or political connotations to me, and everyone I really care about refers to me as Slave with no qualms. I was just given the nickname because I was 'the sophomore slave' as a joke with a circle of friends in h.s. and it stuck because it's me!
The tough part is at belly dance shows when we go down the line and name ourselves off - usually I end up getting screwed and called Laura :P ...BUT! At this super fabulous wonderful belly dance extravaganza on Saturday, Marjorie had sneakily snuck into conversation around sammiches, "So are you still going by Slave?" and I snarfed around my sammich, "Yeeah, of course! *munch*" - So then this awesome wonderfulness occured when her son, the MC, introduced our troupe and listed us off...and I was listed last, as SLAVE! WHEEE! it's on DVD now!!! I can't tell you how cool that is for me! WOOT!
*sigh* I'm here at livejournal to pose the inevitable question to my favorite internet community: should I just go with it? I've always been sorta poo poo on stage names when it comes to all the Orientalist-ending-in-a-or-ia-or-ya-stuff (no offense to anywho who digs that, just not my dealio), because I want the audience to know that it's ME up there! Whee, right? So.......thoughts??? I'll wait to see what you guys have to say before I post this to bhuz, lord knows what they'll say ;)