Oh - shit, she's got another hobby.....

Dec 01, 2006 16:13

So,. we were on holidays a few weeks back (for a given value of 'holiday' , that is.  We were actually visiting the not-really-in-laws and having a not-really-Christmas.   But I digress...)  Anyway, Rich found this very cool silver pendant that's his Celtic Birth Animal and apparently means 'Stamina'.    I don't know if it means he's got it, or the pendant will give it to him, the cardboard insert didn't go into that much detail.

Anyway, after some cajolling and artistic commentary, Rich had me place this pendant on a wooden beaded necklace for him.


Knitting is OUT!    Paintin is OUT!   Am ashamed to say that even fanfiction is OUT - (ish).   Am now a beading recidivist.   I thought I had left all that behind me, but apparently I have untapped creative depths in the beading department that have lain too long dormant.    Every female I know is getting beaded jewellry for Christmas.  (On the off chance that friends or relatives are reading this:  Spoiler!  Oops.)    I"ve already spent in excess of $120 at the local bead shop and had literal paroxysms of joy when I discovered that they also had an online store.    I mean, the last time I had paroxysms, I was being electrocuted, but apparently, show me a beading website with a 15% discount and I a-wigglin' in my chair.

I'm even starting to hit the "Hmm... I could make some money out of this..." phase, which is usually the point when I abandon my hobbies.   For some reason, as soon as there's a commercial involvement in my creative outlets (you know, beyond me paying for stuff), I almost instantly loose interest.   But not so much with the beading yet.   Who knows - I could be hitting a local arts market near you!   (You know, providing you live in or around the greater Sydney area).

I shall upload my works thus far for all to see (Oooh...shiny.   I wants to stroke it, my precious....).   There's a rather large purchase of Swarovski crystals which are allegedly on route to me, and which I shall be attempting to make into a 3-tier floating necklace for myself..... but that's a whole other post.

ETA - after five minutes of fighting between Photo bucket and livejournal, I"ve just decided that y'all can click a link if you want to see these.





hobbies; beading

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