Oh livejournal, how have I neglected thee.

Feb 17, 2006 13:27

SO, my last post was last year.... WAY last year

What's happened since then?

* My birthday,

* My boyfriend's birthday (same day, so not so hard to miss)

* My mother going overseas for 8.5 weeks (after waving her off at the airport we walked away. Rich put his arm around me and said "Are you ok? You look upset." To which I replied, "I'm not upset, I'm jealous!")

* Christmas, inclusive of lovely pressies and a VERY generous christmas bonus. (a lovely, quiet orphan's Christmas, just me, Rich and Finn The Kitten.  Insanely hot.  Fires around where we live, but we were fine.   Oh - and 7 days off work.  Oh Frabjous holidays!)

* A short holiday to Port Macquarie.  It's not the most glamourous place, but it's easy to get to, close to Rich's parents (thus assuaging any filial guilt at missing them at Christmas) and contains the sort of stuff we need access to to relax. (River cruises, fantastic restaurants, day spas.   Talked Rich into his first ever facial.   I think he was almost surprised to realise that he hadn't become gay at the end of it.  He spent the rest of the day asking me to touch his face and tell him if it was still soft!)

* My mother coming home from 8.5 weeks holiday with enormous suitcases and an enormous credit card bill.  (Let me ask you, what's the normal time to get through customs?  I remember it as being about half an hour.  We waited for 75 minutes from when the plane landed to when we saw her! I had visions that she'd been pegged as an undercover elderly terrorist, and she was somewhere out the back of Mascot being cavity searched.   Of course, it turns out that wasn't the case.)   Must confess, darling mumsy was terribly generous, as were the overseas rellies who sent back much money (love that GBP - AUD conversion!) and lovely gifts.

Mum's return, while celebrated, was also fraught with peril.  We took her for celebratory dinner, and hours later she's throwing up about half her body weight, Rich is outside not coping with someone being sick, and I'm playing Nurse Bettie and hosing her down.  Of course, 3am at the hospital was a perfect opportunity to remind mum that I am the good daughter, and that she should be bloody grateful!   Doctors couldn't decide if it was some bug she picked up in Thailand, or some bad pumpkin risotto.   I put it down to her just being difficult.  Especially when 2 days later I was making offerings to the porcelaine god myself.

I must say, Rich is the best at looking after me when I'm sick.  He understands that tablets and sleep are my main desires, but that I need the odd cuppa to keep my strength up.  I just pick where I want to crash, snore my head off, and then when I wake up ask to be waited upon.

Hmm.... scraping the bottom of the barrell for anything else news / amusement worthy.....

Ooh- I know.   I finally got monthly RDOs!  After being promised RDOs when the Boss came and poached me back, which were "every 2 months" for a 6 month trial  (and then every 2 months for another 6 months while he farted around).  I have finally got a day off every month.   I did have to trade my payrise for the other 6 RDOs per year, but the payrise was paltry and the RDO vicotry tastes so, so good!

Have also been knitting my fingers to the bone.  working on some new projects and am trying to think what to do with the new wool I've acquired (some from a friend who was clearing out her stash, and some from a giant $1 sale at Spotlight).  I shall be taking photos of a couple of the finished items that I'm proud of (don't worry, there are heaps of finished items that I'm not proud of) and see if I can't be technical enough to load them up here.

Ok.  Enough blather.  I hereby resolve to be more judicious in my livejournal postings (both in timeliness and content.).   Because 'Wah wah, I don't have much time at work' isn't cutting it with me any more.
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