First of all, I want to give a giant THANK YOU to everyone who has helped me out, whether it be by donating, buying stuff, or just general words of support. You are all wonderful ♥ the selling stuff bit is still ongoing if anyone's still interested--everything
here and a Kindle, because I figure I can do without it and prefer actual books anyhow.
Speaking of money-related things,
brandixcyanide is in need of some help right now, mostly re: rent--post with more info on that is
here. Go help her out--it's a good cause, I promise.
So, I've managed to test my way into Calc 1 for next year, thereby dissipating about two weeks worth of stress. Said class will probably be a disaster and a half, but at least I made it in in the first place. Math has never been my strong point though.
Started watching Community! And by started watching, I mean I finished the entire first season in a matter of three or four days. I don't typically go for comedy shows, because my tolerance for secondhand embarrassment/the motts is virtually zero, but for some reason this one works for me a lot of the time. The only one I don't like much is Pierce, and that's... well, you're not really supposed to like him that much. Annie is basically a quarter of my class in high school, Troy and Abed's double act is flawless (I don't understand a lot of Abed's references but I like him a great deal anyway), I'm pretty fond of Shirley, Britta... I couldn't think of who she reminded me of until she said 'bagels' (~baggles), at which point I realized that I liked her because she's a lot like the one coworker I get along with, down to the funky bagel-pronunciation. Weirdly, I identify with Jeff, of all people. Not always, admittedly, his whole hangup about expensive things isn't my bag, but then he goes and does stuff like getting overly upset because someone else of the same age/skillset/general this-person-is-like-me is better at him than pottery and I go "OH." (I'm getting better about that, but I can't count on one hand the amount of friendships/casual friendliness I've wrecked because people were better than me at some given thing that I thought I could be Awesome At. It was reeeally bad when I was younger). I don't know. Point is, I like him. I don't really see myself getting fannish about the show--the only thing I really ship is Jeff and Britta (him with Annie kind of makes me want to burst into "Don't Stand So Close To Me"--how old is he supposed to be, anyway? I assumed 30+) and I like Troy and Abed but picturing them as anything but platonic kind of weirds me out. I don't get it.
Fic-writing mojo has been extremely weak lately--well, since the beginning of the month, when I quit smoking (since I had to be quit for at least a month pre-surgery and all that). Hoping the next few weeks will improve on that.
Oh yeah, and on a final and completely unrelated to the rest note, I need to contact the landlord of a place about coming onboard as a roommate of a person who already has a lease there (found her through craigslist). Anyone know what the general protocol of that is?
ETA: oh, and I did bandom podfic, actually! My
pod_together fic is up
here (I recorded it, didn't write it. I personally think the podfic's a little rough, but feel free to check it out anyway :D it's Frank/Gerard, short and sweet)
Something brilliant you should read ASAP. It's Sherlock, set in the SPN universe, so Sherlock and John as hunters. Wonderful stuff.