Due to a medical emergency (the bill for it, specifically), I need to sell some falls I've made ASAP. However, I have no idea how much they would be worth, as I haven't really sold many falls before. Pics and info are behind the cut, please respond if you're interested and/or how much you'd be willing to pay for the falls. (as in, even if you wouldn't buy the falls, I'd love to know how much they would be worth.) thanks!
These are made from Cascade Magnum Wool in two shades of purple, with purple yarn twisted around some strands and purple ribbons. I'd estimate the cost of materials at about $25.
These are SUPER light, they are made of christmas tree decorative tinsel ropes. They were kind of made on a whim, just to see if they would turn out. The cost of materials is about $12.
I am in NW Ohio in the US (for purposes of calculating shipping).
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