Jan 11, 2006 16:06
Why does it seem like I've revised my schedule a million times already, and it STILL isn't done? ugh. Everybody wants a piece, and nobody wants to give any back. fuckers.
This is the last semester in the hellhole, then hopefully I'll be accepted into some candian vet school. future...so...murky....bah. Oh well. What don't kill ya makes ya stronger, right?
I miss having my friends around. I don't make them easily (close ones at least) nor do I desire to. I'm not a big people fan, I guess. But I DO miss having people I can stand to chill with from time to time (not that I ever have any time with school though...aaargh!). and I'm sure I owe ry a beatdown for some reason or another-he always deserves one. I'd love to do a shoot with cerah one day...dunno if she'd think it was fun. She's gorgeous, LOL. I'm currently way out of shape, unless you count lumpy as a shape. :) I miss modeling though, especially with friends.
I also miss good parties. Or maybe, like everyone else who's been around a while, I'm getting progressively and irreversibly jaded. I think they call it "growing up" or some shit, LOL. like that will ever happen.
oh, and wtf is up with turning 25 and having everyone in the world descend upon you to talk about breeding? freaky, man. get out of my organs!
I REALLY want to go to burning man this summer. BAD. It may be my only chance. anyone feel like paying my way? *dreams* I gott bef up on my poi first though, I'm rusty.
it will be a hella busy summer though-we both graduate with a masters, he has to find a job or we have to ship back to CAD, I have to apply to vet school and find a job to pay our bills (preferably in a vet clinic), we have SIGGRAPH (cyber fashion show and all kinds of cool shit!), and we might have our little "appease the families" pseudo-wedding (the real, legal one will happen in vangroovy once we get the citizenship crap worked out.). all kinds of craziness.
well, i should be doing homework right now, so i'll be off. not that it was coherent anyway.