Sep 13, 2006 21:05
so I was listening to the radio, something that i havent been doing for a while, and two songs have caught my attenTion.
one from many years ago (use to have it, lost it in a hard drive crash :( )
a Piece of music from a band call Spain
It starts off
I don't want to die
and yeah, rather haunting.
the album was like that, very cool.
the other piece is a cover of Massive Attack - Teardrop
the cover was done by jose gonzalez, acoustic, again, very cool, and a little haunting. also interesting is the change in style considering that the original is sung by a female and at times is nearly yodeling (well, no, but the vocal properties are... different)
maybe it is just the mood i am in at the moment, not enough sleep too much work, and my project is shitting me...
but what can you do...
The music continues, as does life.
oh, and maybe i should use this thing more often...
or just keep forgetting about it..
(must not start singing the song... "I'm a little emo, short and stout...")