Jan 15, 2007 08:50
Halfway to 60 now... :-)
It could all have ended quite a few times in the past, but I'm still here.
When I was 10, I seriously considered committing suicide - but was fortunately smart enough to understand that my troubles would one day be over, even if I couldn't see the end of it right then.
When I was 17, I got hanged - by accident. I remember everything fading into absolute black and void and subsequently having the most terrible experience I've ever had. I woke up on the floor after a friend had found me and gotten me down. I decided I would never even think about doing something like that on purpose. I've got one life, that I know of, and I'm determined to make the most of it.
I've had good times too.
The first time I fell in love, it was with a girl at school - I was hopelessly in love from I was 11 to 16 in the same girl. We never got together though, and she got quite annoyed by me never giving up...
My first "real love" started when I was 19. I got together with Clara, and we stayed together for five years until we finally figured out that we weren't as compatible as we initially thought. It was an emotionally hard breakup, but it ended well - I learned a lot about being with in a relationship with someone - and we're still friends. (She's engaged to be married, and I'm really happy for her. :-) )
Then I got together with Line. She had two kids from before, and we stayed together for four years. I got to try to be a stepfather, and allthough things didn't work out in the end, I'm glad we tried. I try to keep in touch with them, but it's still kind of difficult. I feel sorry for leaving the two little girls, but it was the right thing to do. I do not believe parents should stay together "no matter what" - just for the kids. My parents divorced when I was one year old, but I've always been in touch with both sides of my family. Even though I love both my father and my mother, I'm glad they're not together. They're great apart, but don't match very well. I guess they came to the same conclusion...
I never gave up on love. Two years ago, I got together with Cindy, after knowing her and being very good friends for 3 years. We got married this summer, and she has already given me so much... There is always hope, and there are always options and opportunities. Cindy and I have been through a lot already, both good and bad - and most of the bad stuff not being our fault. That is, you may say that everything that happens to you is the result of your own actions. If a cow falls down from the sky and hits you in the head, one could argue that if you didn't go stand right there, you'd be fine. But that would be taking it too far. There are things that happen to you that are out of your control. Things you couldn't have prepared for. Still, learning to prepare for the unknown and just barely possible is a handy skill for a Capricorn. I've become quite clever when it comes to bringing all the stuff one might suddenly need. If you go on a trip with me, you can trust me to have the necessary first aid equipment, water and even toilet paper available when you need it. I even always bring a magnifying glass, rope, boy scout knife and lots of other stuff that rarely gets used but are invaluable when you suddenly need them. :-)
"Always prepared" was my motto when I was a kid. I didn't know exactly how surprising life could be back then though. I had no idea then that I would be where I am now. And that is a big lesson. What ever your situation, you don't have a clue where you'll be 10, 5 or even 2 years from now. Almost anything could happen. And there is only one way to find out.
The only thing I've found to be in common for all of us is that we live and that we learn. Some more, some less, but that's the common denominator.
I want to live forever. I definitely don't want to die, but it's not so much because I'm afraid of it anymore. The reason why I want to live forever is that I've discovered that every day brings new and interesting knowledge and experiences. And I want to learn a everything. I want to know how everything works and why everything is the way it is.
Life isn't just sorrow, unless you find it sad that it goes up and down. I'm glad for the experience I've gotten so far. Even the bad ones. I've had some weird experiences, a couple of really sad ones and some very pleasant ones.
Now I know that after bad times comes good, and after good times comes bad. But every time something is different. And that's one of the greatest beauties of life. Always changing, always challenging - and if you manage to keep your head above the water - it's always rewarding.
In stead of saying that I'm halfway to 60, I will say say that I'm done with the 30 startup-years, where I learned the basic skills... The future is ahead, and all I could ever wish for is there, just waiting for me to find the right path to get to it. I know it will be so interesting, I can't wait to get started...
If you like, you can come along. :-)